Butyl Glycol Acetate
Product Details:
Butyl Glycol Acetate Price And Quantity
- 1 INR/Kilograms
- 1.00 - 2.00 INR/Kilograms
- 195 Kilograms
Product Description
but is miscible withalcohols and ketones. Because it exhibits good compatibility with variouscoatingsresins, Butyl CELLOSOLVEAcetate Solvent is used in many coatings applications. It provides goodtolerancefor aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons and may be used to replace thesesolvents to enhanceapplicationproperties such as brush ability or roll application in high performancecoatings. The slowevaporationrateofButylGlycolAcetateSolventalsomakesitidealforuseinspecialtyprintinginks.
Acidity(asaceticacid) ------------------------------- NMT0.05%W\W
NMT0.05%W\W -------------------- Transparentliquid,nosuspensionsubstance,no mechanicalimpurities
Autoignitiontemperature ------------------- 2800C
Boilingpoint ------------------------- 1840C
Boilingpointrange\Distillationrange ------------------- 95%Shoulddistillbetween1840Cto1950C
Characteristic Odor -------------------------------------- Mild
Density @200C ------------------------------------------------ 7.84 lb\gal
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